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About Us

About the Center for American Rights

Our rights are under attack in the classroom, at the voting booth, at the workplace, and on online platforms. The Center for American Rights is the nonprofit, public interest law firm dedicated to protecting Americans’ most fundamental, constitutional rights from these threats. We are exclusively focused on fighting the biggest issues of the day and have a track record of quickly moving these cases to impact Americans’ lives.


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Our expert attorneys work to restore constitutional order by representing Americans for free in strategic litigation against the most powerful, entrenched institutions in our country. We are focused on free speech violations, government overreach and abuse of power, educational opportunity, and protecting constitutional rights.

This veteran team with more than a decade of experience bringing pressing issues to the national stage rallies public support on national issues and amplifies everyday Americans’ voices through impressive public affairs and media campaigns.


Our Team


Pat Hughes

Pat Hughes is chairman of the Center for American Rights. He has spent the last decade founding, leading and advising organizations that advance liberty principles, fight for freedom, and protect Americans’ most fundamental constitutional rights. 

Pat has a reputation for taking on the big fights. In his former role as the co-founder and president of the Liberty Justice Center, Pat led a team of attorneys to legal victories that touched the lives of over 100 million Americans. He spearheaded the legal challenge that stopped the federal vaccine mandate for private employers and was ultimately upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court. And, in 2018, his team successfully overturned a 40-year Supreme Court precedent in Janus v. AFSCME, which The Washington Post called the “biggest labor case of the century.” This victory prompted 50 new federal lawsuits to protect Americans’ constitutional rights under threat from politicians and government officials across the country.

His work is frequently featured in top-tier, national media outlets including Fox News, MSNBC, The Hill, the Chicago Tribune, The Washington Post and The New York Times. An attorney since 1994, Pat has spent his legal career litigating complex cases in state and federal courts.



Daniel Suhr

Daniel Suhr is one of the nation’s leading constitutional litigators. As president of the Center for American Rights, he combines legal excellence with politically savvy communications and coalitions strategies to best serve the firm’s clients and causes.

As former managing attorney of a nonprofit law firm firm, Daniel litigated cases of critical national importance to block nationwide public health mandates, halt the growth and abuse of administrative powers, and protect and expand school choice for students across the country.

Daniel was senior advisor to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker for six years, clerked for a federal judge, and worked for the Federalist Society. Along the way he’s been featured on Fox News, in The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post, and many other outlets.